Digiliant came to me seeking a total rebrand that included redesigning the existing website. The rebrand focused on
developing a new visual design and layout for the company. This involved developing a brand strategy that could
incorporate the new design while marketing the existing business more successfully and comprehensively.
After I
established that the rebrand was successful according to the client’s expectations, I turned my focus to website
development. I had to ensure that my marketing was at the forefront of the website design, and create content that
integrated the new and existing focuses of the business.
Digilink sought a comprehensive overhaul of its existing brand image along with supplemental
website redesign, content creation, and new visual marketing.
I consulted and developed a new image
for the brand that would highlight its existing strengths and draw in new customers. I developed a more
accessible and engaging visual design and created written and photographic content for the website.
Digilink’s individualized merchandise drove the strategy for my campaign. I aimed to ensure that
Digilink’s customers felt like their technology was personalized to their interests and in the hands of a
team of experts.
Safety is United Airlines’ number one priority on every flight. An aircraft turn accounts for the time it takes for a
series of safety procedures to be carried out by United Airlines’ employees from when the aircraft arrives at the gate
to when it clears for departure. Auditors conduct live audits of aircraft turns to determine whether the arrival and departure steps are compliant or
non-compliant per standard operating procedure. United Airlines is exploring ways to automate the recognition of some of
these aircraft turn tasks.
Our Turn Management Analyzer automatically identifies and evaluates the aircraft turn using the video camera feeds at
each airport gate. Our software helps auditors ensure that United Airlines always provides their customers with the safest flight possible.